Poison Ivy


August 20, 2024 - CECONLINE | Grace Crooks

The materia born from artistic landscapes, both present and past, is one of our greatest sources of admiration. ART THEMES is our irreverent tribute to the messaging that lies within these bodies of work. This bi-monthly digital review, curated according to thematic concepts, uses common interests and themes to collate the work of great artists – as we make unusual and intriguing connections across ambiguous and clarified perspectives, literal and figurative alike. 

Enter August’s theme: Hibernation. The sentiment of hibernation is aptly woven together by poet Chen Chen, who gives his take on the notion: “Yes– give yourself the time. To mull things over. Ruminate. To chew, yes. To hibernate, let things sit fallow. To follow intuitions. To study. To read, reread. To experiment wildly, experiment carefully. To care. To care about your mind, heart, belly and your every toe. To care about and for your language. To language your care.”

Each winter seems to have the profound ability to cause a ripple of introspection, to retreat into oneself, to take stock. It is both a physiological response to the change in natural surroundings, but also an emotional and psychological reaction. We are all affected instinctually, saving resources in various silos of our lives. Employing a hibernation tactic, mindset or practice feels unavoidable but is also nothing to deter from – each season has its glory. These artists represent some sort of coming inside, shielding, recovering, going within, cocooning towards what we hope is the warmth we seek, towards the betterment of self through hibernation.

 Read the full article here: https://ceconline.co.za/art-themes-theme-one-hibernation/