Price: R1 400 (Incl. South African VAT)
2022 teNeues Verlag GmbH
Ist printing
Artwork & photographs @ 2023 Brett Charles Seiler.
The authors. courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin
and Everard Read Gallery. All rights reserved.
Texts by Sean O' Toole and Khanya Mashabela
Project Management by Hannah-C. Grabner, Franziska Jaster,
Galerie EIGEN + ART
Editorial Coordination by Stephanie Rebel, teNeues Verlag
Production by Nele Jansen, teNeues Verlag
Photo Editing. Color Separation by Jens Grundei, teNeues Verlag
Design by Benjamin Wolbergs
Copyediting by Abe Davies
Translation by Dr. Kurt Rehkopf
ISBN: 978-3-96171-455-1 (Hardcover edition)
Library of Congress Number: 2022950380
ISBN: 978-3-96171-459-9 (Softcover edition)
Printed in Belgium by Graphius
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Established in 1913, Everard Read is Africa's oldest commercial art gallery and presents modern and contemporary art from South Africa. Our Cape Town galleries have a rigorously curated exhibition programme of South Africa's top artists